Country Connect Partnerships

Djalkiri Foundation

In 2023 we formalised a partnership that had existed informally since our beginnings as an organisation.

The partnership between Djalkiri Foundation and Country Connect will support both organisations to develop their staff capacity to achieve their strategic goals in the region:

  • Develop the capacity of YolĹ‹u staff at Djalkiri and Country Connect to advocate for culturally responsive environments for clients and staff

  • Develop the capacity of non-local Country Connect staff to understand the community context and the unique needs of YolĹ‹u clients

  • Create a culture of professional learning and build self-reflective workplace practices across both organisations

  • Support staff in both organisations to identify professional goals and develop action plans to progress these

  • Support organisational leadership development (i.e the implementation of strategy into practice in a YolĹ‹u context)

Country Connect are extremely grateful to be recipients of the Woolworths Food Diversion program. The food that Woolworths supply us reaches remote communities like Glaiwin’ku, Nhulunbuy, Laynhapuy Homelands and Ramingining.

This allows us to support our clients and their families in ways that other funding may not allow.

It is also allows us to support communities during significant ceremonies and funerals.

Food Diversion Program

participant of our Women's Program in Galiwin'ku cooking nutritious food donated by Woolworths
fresh meet cooking on the open fire on the beach in Galiwin'ku
vegetables and meats cooking in a pot on the beach in Galwin'ku
fresh salad and cooked meat by participants of our women's group in Galwin'ku
meat cooking on the open fire on the beach in Galwin'ku
chicken and vegetables cooking in a pot on the beach in Galwin'ku