Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy outlines how Country Connect Pty LTD aims to protect the privacy of your personal information, your rights in relation to your personal information managed by us and the way Country Connect collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information.

It also outlines how you can seek access to and correct your personal information and make a privacy complaint.

In handling your personal information, Country Connect complies with the Privacy Act 1988, the 13 Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act and all relevant Australian privacy laws.

2. Personal Information we collect and how we use and disclose it

Clients (individuals who we assist)
What kinds of personal information do we collect about you and how do we collect your personal information?

Generally, the kinds of personal information we collect about you include your contact and identification information such as your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address or any other verification details. We may also collect your sensitive information (which includes health information), such as medical records from your health clinic and information about your age and/or disability. We may also collect images of your face in a photograph and/or recording of your voice and/or face in a film or video. We may also collect other information required for Country Connect’s functions and activities and in some circumstances, we may also hold other personal information provided by you.

We collect most of your personal information directly from you, including when we interact with you in person, in writing by way of email or post, by telephone/video conference or through our website or any other website of a related entity or partner. We may also collect your personal information from other sources such as your family members or carers, clinics, the NDIA, hospitals and government agencies. Generally, Country Connect will only collect your personal information from sources other than you if it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect your personal information from you.

Why do we need your personal information?

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of:

a) providing our services to you and enabling you to participate in our programs;

b) enabling us to communicate with you about the goods or services we are providing you or the program you are participating in;

c) informing you about our goods, services and/or programs which we think you may be interested in;

d) improving our goods, services and programs;

e) applying for subsidies and grants;

f) raising awareness and/or funding for Country Connect

g) accounting, billing and other internal administrative purposes;

h) complying with our legal obligations; and

i) otherwise managing Country Connect’s internal business operations and processes.

j) for healthy and safety, to allow us to provide a safe program environment for you to participate in

Country Connect may also use your personal information for purposes related to the above purposes and for which you would reasonably expect Country Connect to do so in the circumstances, or where you have consented, or where the use is otherwise in accordance with law.

Where your personal information is used or disclosed, Country Connect takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure it is relevant to the purpose for which it is to be used or disclosed. You are under no obligation to provide your personal information to Country Connect. However, without certain information from you, Country Connect may not be able to provide its products and/or services and/or programs to you.

To whom do we disclose your personal information?

Country Connect discloses your personal information for the purpose for which Country Connect collects it.

Further, we will talk to you and ask you to sign Client Authorisation forms, requesting your consent before we share your personal information (including any medical records, research records and other personal information such as images and voice recordings of you).

Generally, this may include disclosing your personal information to:

a) third parties who assist us in supplying our goods, services and programs or who perform functions on our behalf, to other third parties where required by law and to anyone else to whom you authorise us to disclose it;

b) relevant Government agencies to apply for subsidies and grants or audit processes, including Centrelink, NDIA, etc;

c) Northern Territory Government

d) Councils such as the Aboriginal Land Council, Local/Regional Councils;

e) service providers who help us with our functions and activities including [e.g. marketing services];

f) Country Connect’s professional advisors, agents, contractors, consultants and related bodies;

g) support providers such as disability support providers, residential support providers, etc; and

h) insurance providers.

From time to time, we may compile statistical data from the personal information we have collected. In these instances, the data will be aggregated and de-identified before it is disclosed to third parties.

The disclosures of your personal information from Country Connect to third parties are on a confidential basis and/or otherwise in accordance with law. Country Connect may also disclose your personal information with your consent or if disclosure is required or authorised by law.

Employees and prospective Employees/ Volunteers/ Contractors
What kinds of personal information do we collect about you and how do we collect your personal information?

Generally, the kinds of personal information we collect about you include your contact and identification information such as your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address or any other verification details. We may also collect other personal information including your gender, work history, qualifications, tax file number, bank account details, referee information and any other information you include in your application and, in respect of contractors, payment details.

We may also collect sensitive information about you, including your health information, such as when you are applying for a position at Country Connect and the personal information is relevant to the recruitment process through which you must progress (including working with children or criminal record checks) or where you are an employee and the health information is relevant to your employment with Country Connect.

In some circumstances, Country Connect may also hold other personal information about you.

We collect this personal information directly from you when you provide your information to us in person or in writing by way of email or post, or by telephone/video conference or through our website when applying for, enquiring about, or registering for opportunities with us. We also collect your personal information from your nominated referees, and through criminal history and working with children checks.

Generally, Country Connect will only collect your personal information from sources other than you if it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect your personal information from you.

Why do we need your personal information?

We may collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information where it is reasonably necessary for the purposes of processing and assessing your application for current and future positions with Country Connect (including volunteer positions), allowing you to provide services to us (including communicating with you about those services), providing training to you, communicating with you about opportunities with us, improving our services, informing you about our good, services and/or programs which we think you may be interested in, accounting, billing and other internal administrative operations, complying with our legal obligations and otherwise managing Country Connect’s internal business operations and processes.

Country Connect may also use your personal information for purposes related to the above purposes and for which you would reasonably expect Country Connect to do so in the circumstances, or where you have consented, or where the use is otherwise in accordance with law.

Where your personal information is used or disclosed, Country Connect takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure it is relevant to the purpose for which it is to be used or disclosed. You are under no obligation to provide your personal information to Country Connect. However, without certain information from you, Country Connect may not be able to process your application and/or involve you in the products, services and programs it provides.

To whom do we disclose your personal information?

Country Connect discloses your personal information for the purpose for which Country Connect collects it. That is, generally, Country Connect will only disclose your personal information for a purpose set out above.

Generally, this may include disclosing your personal information to individuals (such as our clients) participating in our programs, third parties who assist us in supplying our goods, services and programs or who perform functions on our behalf and other third parties where required by law (including Government agencies to conduct criminal history and working with children checks).

The disclosures of your personal information from Country Connect to third parties are on a confidential basis and/or otherwise in accordance with law. Country Connect may also disclose your personal information with your consent or if disclosure is required or authorised by law.

3. Storage and Security

We hold personal information in both electronic and hard-copy forms in secure databases on secure premises, accessible only by authorised staff. We may store your personal information with a third-party storage provider. We may also store personal information in the 'cloud' which may mean that it resides on encrypted servers which are situated outside Australia.

Country Connect takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that the personal information it holds is protected from misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

Country Connect will destroy or de-identify personal information in circumstances where it is no longer required unless Country Connect is otherwise required or authorised by law to retain the information.

4, How to access or correct your personal information

Country Connect takes steps reasonable in the circumstances to ensure personal information it holds is accurate, up-to-date, complete, relevant and not misleading. Under the Privacy Act, you have a right to access or seek correction of your personal information that is collected and held by Country Connect. If at any time you would like to access or correct the personal information Country Connect holds about you, or you would like more information on Country Connect’s approach to privacy, please contact the operations manager using the contact details below.

Country Connect will grant access to your personal information to the extent required or authorised by the Privacy Act and take steps reasonable in the circumstances to correct your personal information where necessary and appropriate.

To obtain access to your personal information:

(a) you will have to provide proof of identity to ensure that personal information is provided only to the correct individuals and that the privacy of others is protected;

(b) Country Connect requests that you be reasonably specific about the information you require; and

(c) Country Connect may charge you a reasonable administration fee, which reflects the cost to Country Connect for providing access in accordance with your request.

Country Connect will endeavour to respond to your request to access or correct your personal information within 30 days from your request.

5. Complaints

If you wish to make a complaint about a breach of any privacy laws by Country Connect, please contact our Privacy Officer using the details below. We may request that you make your complaint in writing. We will investigate any complaint and will notify you of the outcome following the completion of the investigation.

At all times, privacy complaints:

(a) will be dealt with seriously;

(b) will be dealt with promptly;

(c) will be dealt with in a confidential manner; and

(d) will not affect your existing obligations or affect any commercial or other arrangements between you and Country Connect.

In the event you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (visit for further information).