Country Connect Foundation

Our mission is to ensure equal opportunity for all individuals to access support services, irrespective of their background, abilities, or circumstances. We are committed to breaking down barriers, fostering inclusivity, and empowering individuals to thrive by providing equitable access to the support they need to reach their full potential.

Country Connect Foundation Limited funds disability services and youth programs in remote and regional areas across the Top End of Australia. Our foundation funds services and essentials not covered by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or government agencies. We allocate the funds we raise to various areas, ensuring our ability to maintain and expand services in current locations while growing our organisational capacity to assist more individuals in need.

Since our inception, we've identified several areas with significant disparities requiring immediate attention. These include providing Return to Country services, implementing tailored Social and Emotional Wellbeing initiatives for youth, extending support services to those ineligible for NDIS assistance, addressing insufficient NDIS funding of many recipients, and ensuring access to essential everyday items such as clothing and food, currently not covered by the NDIS provision.

ways to get involved

We extend an invitation to individuals, businesses, and corporations to explore opportunities for collaboration with Country Connect Foundation Limited, whether through sponsorships, partnerships, or other forms of support.

Through collaboration with us, we can join forces to uplift the lives of people living with disability and disadvantaged youth, in remote and regional Australia, thereby enhancing overall community wellness.

Country Connect Foundation Limited is a registered incorporated charity and deductible gift recipient.

All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

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Country Connect Foundation Limited

ABN 54 669 738 907